I finally find some time to sit down with a book this weekend. I stopped by the bookstore on Saturday to see if some of the books scheduled to be released next week were out early. No luck, but I did pick up Iris Johansen & Roy Johansen's new book Storm Cycle.
I think this is the Johansen's second mother-son piece (based on the cover jacket blurb). It was a good read. Lots of action with just a tad bit of romance thrown in. The romance aspect was a bit predictable and not really necessary, but it didn't really get in the way of the story. It's an action book with 2 mysteries. Why is someone trying to kill Rachel, a computer genius who is trying to find a cure for her younger sister's rare illness? And, will Rachel and Tavak, an enigmatic adventurer that Rachel joins forces with, find an ancient collection of tablets that may contain cures for various diseases (including the illness Rachel's sister suffers from) before the men hired by the owner of a pharmaceutical company looking to maintain his bottom line?
I liked learning about the technology they mention in the book. They were nice enough to include an Author's Note at the end regarding more information on the subject. Overall, the book was good. My only regret - I wish I was half as smart as the two main characters. My take:


I liked learning about the technology they mention in the book. They were nice enough to include an Author's Note at the end regarding more information on the subject. Overall, the book was good. My only regret - I wish I was half as smart as the two main characters. My take:

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